Public Policy and Economic Policy: A Theoretical-Conceptual Discussion

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Elita Luisa Rincón-Castillo


The study of public policies as an issue of academic interest, which is manifested at a time when the state imposes its interventor character because of the Great Depression of 1929. This paper aims to establish a theoreticalconceptual discussion between public policies and an economic policy. It was used a documentary review as methodology. The focus of public policies and an economic policy is the product of the boom of the intervening State. An economic policy, as a public policy, is a normative, empirical and social discipline dedicated to the study of the criteria, ends, means and doctrines that governments use to intervene in the economic reality of a country. In conclusion, the discussion about which collective decision mechanism is most appropriate: the State or the market, is the real core in the evolution of the approach of public policies, and in particular, of an economic policy.


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How to Cite
Rincón-CastilloE. L. (2017). Public Policy and Economic Policy: A Theoretical-Conceptual Discussion. Revista Ethos, 9(1), 11-29. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Elita Luisa Rincón-Castillo, Universidad de Zulia, Venezuela

  • Economista.
  • Especialista en Gerencia de Empresa.
  • Especialista en Metodología de la Investigación.
  • Magíster Scientiarum en Economía: Mención Macroeconomía y Política Económica.
  • Magíster Scientiarum en Planificación y Gerencia de Ciencia y Tecnología.
  • Magíster Scientiarum en Ciencia Política y Derecho Público: Mención Ciencia Política.
  • Doctora en Ciencias Económicas.
  • Profesora e investigadora titular de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales de la Universidad del Zulia.
  • Directora del Centro Socioeconómico del Petróleo y Energías Alternativas.
  • Miembro de Número de la Academia de Ciencias Económicas del Estado Zulia.
  • Acreditada en el PEII Nivel C.