In the bowels of the good leadership: a multidimensional vision

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Argenis J. Mendoza-Suárez


The aim of this essay is analyzing the leadership and its practice in the current human organizations as challenge for the survival of the companies, corporations or any form of group of men and women to reach common aims. Of equal way, is described the multiple factors and dimensions of the abovementioned category of study. Then the personals, grupal, social, and environmental commitments, that possess who lead to the human sets, are explained based on the documentary review. This way, a wide treatment of the topic can be observed, offering a perspective of this personal competition capable of generating changes in different areas.


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How to Cite
Mendoza-SuárezA. J. (2018). In the bowels of the good leadership: a multidimensional vision. Revista Ethos, 10(1), 65-75. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Argenis J. Mendoza-Suárez, Universidad Nacional Experimental ¨Rafael María Baralt, Venezuela

  • Licenciado en Comunicación Social. Mención: Periodismo Audiovisual (LUZ, Venezuela).
  • Especialista en Desarrollo de Organizaciones Inteligentes (LUZ, Venezuela).
  • Magíster Scientiarum en Gerencia de Recursos Humanos (UNERMB, Venezuela).
  • Doctor en Gerencia (UNY, Venezuela).
  • Doctorante en Educación (UNERMB, Venezuela).
  • Profesor invitado de postgrado de la Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt (UNERMB) y de la Universidad Alonso de Ojeda (UNIOJEDA).