Factors Associated With the Presence of Obesity in Children Aged 5 to 9 Years. Case: Microred Santa Fe- Callao, Perú

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Irma Trujillo-Ramírez


The purpose of this research was to identify the factors associated with the presence of obesity in children aged 5 to 9 years. The methodology used was framed in research methods with exploratory, documentary, descriptive and explanatory characteristics, a type of experimental, transectional design. The findings found in reference to the associated factors are subdivided into three: biological, behavioral and psychological. It was determined that there are characteristics linked to the factors considered in the present study that indicate the presence of obesity and childhood obesity, especially biological and behavioral factors.


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How to Cite
Trujillo-RamírezI. (2019). Factors Associated With the Presence of Obesity in Children Aged 5 to 9 Years. Case: Microred Santa Fe- Callao, Perú. Revista Ethos, 11(1), 66-83. Retrieved from http://ojs.udelistmo.edu/ojs/index.php/Ethos/article/view/32
Author Biography

Irma Trujillo-Ramírez

  • Licenciada en Enfermería (Universidad Nacional del Callao).
  • Especialista en Emergencia y Desastres, Egresada de la Maestría de Salud Pública de la Universidad Nacional Mayor San Marcos.
  • Coordinadora Regional del Componente Crecimiento y Desarrollo (CRED) de la Niña y el Niño en la Dirección Regional de Salud (DIRESA)-Callao, Perú.