Managing innovation in small and medium venezuelan enterprises

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Maybeth Nieves Álvarez
Eglet Chirinos


The article aims to analyze the management of innovation in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) of Venezuela. Documentary research was conducted, considering the perspective of various authors such as Bonilla (2011), Porter (2005) and Robbins and Coulter (2005), among others, who recommend considering types, steps, management factors and variables as key elements for competitiveness. Based on the analysis, Venezuelan SMEs show a significant reality in innovation, since, despite the changing environment in which they operate, few have strategies for maintaining continuous, sustained management, demonstrating difficulties in reacting positively to any market signal. Hence, it is necessary to promote in them the interest in innovation as a systemic, comprehensive and continuous process; in which case, state support is essential, establishing policies that guarantee and protect the investment.


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How to Cite
Nieves ÁlvarezM., & ChirinosE. (2021). Managing innovation in small and medium venezuelan enterprises. Revista Ethos, 5(2), 197-212. Retrieved from