Information technologies and strategic alliances in R+D as sources for technology training in business

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Marianny Rondón


The purpose of this study was to approach issues related to information technology and strategic R & D alliances as key tools in the competitiveness of enterprises. It was supported by the work of authors such as Kaplan & Norton (2000), UNDP (2002), Nunez (2003) and Pineda (2011), based on the development of technologies that forge robust companies on a par with current demands in a climate of communication, trust, cooperation and added value. The research was documentary. Conclusions were that organizations must adapt to changing circumstances through the implementation of technological training models in the corporate sector. Permanent adaptation of companies to the reality of in formation and knowledge technologies is recommended to face the fact of promotion relative to major changes in the cultural, scientific and technological environment.


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How to Cite
RondónM. (2021). Information technologies and strategic alliances in R+D as sources for technology training in business. Revista Ethos, 5(2), 172-187. Retrieved from