Michel Foucault: Psychiatric, Sovereign and Disciplinary Powers; Extrapolation to Education

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Francisco Ávila Fuenmayor
Claudia Ávila


The purpose of this essay is to show some elements of psychiatric, sovereign and disciplinary power in Michel Foucault. The research is documentary, supported on various works from the vast intellectual legacy left by this author to political philosophy. The French thinker studied power following the concept of the problem circle that he counterpoised to the hermeneutical circle, in an anchoring that differs from the traditional approaches of Machiavelli, Hobbes and Weber, who operated within reflections and postures in the philosophical-legal ambit. The main conclusion is that there is no single power but several powers, that is, forms of domination that operate in the hospital, asylum, the military, as well as the school.


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Ávila FuenmayorF., & ÁvilaC. (2021). Michel Foucault: Psychiatric, Sovereign and Disciplinary Powers; Extrapolation to Education . Revista Ethos, 4(2), 266-282. Retrieved from http://ojs.udelistmo.edu/ojs/index.php/Ethos/article/view/169