On thresholds, subjects and individuals adrift

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María Magdalena Trujano Ruiz


This paper shows the proposal of Foucault’s epistemological threshold as a self-referential analytic fragment of his own work, which passes from the analysis of individual subjects by discourses in previous historical phases, toward the aesthetic construction of life in its own moment, that glimpses access to biographical drift oriented toward pleasure, understood in a broad sense. The threshold from which transit, knowingly or not, neosecular sociological analyses about the individual explorer and actor of the meaning of life in Giddens and Beck, as well as his philosophical description of hedonist in Lipovetsky.


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Trujano RuizM. M. (2021). On thresholds, subjects and individuals adrift. Revista Ethos, 4(2), 189-200. Retrieved from http://ojs.udelistmo.edu/ojs/index.php/Ethos/article/view/164