The foucauldian Episteme and architecture

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Yolanda Guadalupe Bojórquez Martínez


This essay presents the relevance of applying the theoretical framework, methodology and concepts such as episteme and discursive training, to the study of Mexican architectural discourse. The objective was to determine the level of formalization and epistemological field structuring of knowledge about architecture. With the post-structuralist vision of Foucault, the actors and factors that form a constituent part of the social praxis of architecture become evident. These play an important part in constructing human habitat for societies in their historical and geographical context, and form part of the complex structural system to which they respond and impact, affecting the inhabitants’ ways of living.


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How to Cite
Bojórquez MartínezY. G. (2021). The foucauldian Episteme and architecture. Revista Ethos, 4(2), 166-174. Retrieved from