Corporating foucauldian categories in critical pedagogy

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Anel González Ontiveros
Salvador López López


This article reviews the incorporation of Foucauldian categories in critical pedagogy, highlighting some of them in the theoretical corpus of critical pedagogy. This incorporation has allowed the French thinker to reflect more productively on a number of fundamental issues such as curriculum, subjectivity, power, language, speech, knowledge, educational practices, and so on. To show this influence, the study resorted to basic text analysis of critical pedagogy and the work of Foucault. Conclusions are that it has the reality of theoretical integration and productivity, but needs permanent review.


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How to Cite
González OntiverosA., & López LópezS. (2021). Corporating foucauldian categories in critical pedagogy. Revista Ethos, 4(2), 141-152. Retrieved from