Neurolinguistic Programming for effective communication by the headmaster as a aanager in educational institutions

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Bitsy Luque
Ruth Toro


The purpose of this article was to analyze neurolinguistic programming for effective communication by the headmaster as a manager in educational institutions. The study was descriptive with a non experimental, transsectional field design, according to a positive epistemological paradigm. An instrument was designed and applied to headmasters and teachers; its items were validated through the judgment of five educational management experts; its reliability was calculated using the Cronbach Alpha coefficient, with a result of 0.99. Descriptive statistics were used. Results showed that headmasters and teachers know and apply NLP techniques to optimize effective communication.


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How to Cite
LuqueB., & ToroR. (2021). Neurolinguistic Programming for effective communication by the headmaster as a aanager in educational institutions. Revista Ethos, 4(1), 62-74. Retrieved from