Knowledge management and technology management: A concurrent relationship

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Francisco A. Batlle Rois-Méndez
Judeira Batista


The essay intends to provide theoretical tools that approach an answer to the question: Is technology management a knowledge management process or vice versa? clarifying that, beyond this alternative, they act together. The contributions of Argyris (2005), Escorsa and Valls (2003), Garvin (2005), Gaynor (2005), Koulopoulos and Frappaolo (2007), Nonaka (2006), Pavez (2005) and Udaondo (2005) were reviewed. From the perspective of documentary investigations with a bibliographical design, using hermeneutics, issues about technology management and knowledge with a global vision were analyzed as was knowledge management as an integrating process for different management styles. This analysis concluded that the corporate levels that manage knowledge must contribute technology management, promoting a technological culture that translates into competitive advantages for the organization.


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Batlle Rois-MéndezF. A., & BatistaJ. (2021). Knowledge management and technology management: A concurrent relationship . Revista Ethos, 4(1), 37-49. Retrieved from