Collective memories of Cabimas and Maracaibo: “La retreta” as a sunday celebration generating Identity practices

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Gicela Garrido Barrios


   The purpose of this study was to collect memories from the inhabitants of Cabimas and Maracaibo about Sunday celebrations, especially “la retreta.” The research has a documentary character and relies on oral history guidelines; information sources were primarily live reports and the review of documents and articles. Results show that, from the beginning of the 1930s until the mid-1960s, people in Maracaibo and Cabimas used to meet in public places, preferably the parks that existed at that time. A martial band played several pieces in the centre of the plaza; this performance was known as a retreta. The Sunday programme in the villages of Cabimas and Maracaibo included mass, walking and the band concert or retreta. Recurrent social practices were generated around this Sunday celebration, filled with familiarity and ritualistic features, always adorned with the courtesy and politeness of those days. The collected stories and part of the findings are also available in a video documentary.


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How to Cite
Garrido BarriosG. (2021). Collective memories of Cabimas and Maracaibo: “La retreta” as a sunday celebration generating Identity practices . Revista Ethos, 4(1), 11-24. Retrieved from