Social appropriation of information and communication tecnologies for advanced studies at the Bolivarian University of Venezuela

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Karina Villalobos


The purpose of this paper is to study ways of learning for successful social appropriation of information technologies and communication technologies (ICTs) coupled with the process of inclusion in advanced training at the Bolivarian University of Venezuela. It analyzes the strategic importance of the education sector for developing an inclusive information society that avoids social exclusión of both individuals and social groups. This study took into account evidence that incorporates the organizational philosophy of the UBV and the current management of technological resources for teaching and research, managing to establish an information base that adheres to reality, to then have a clearer vision about the environment. The method used is documentary; the theoretical foundation includes postualtes of Tirado (2007), Hainaut (2002) and Celestino Echengaray and Granada (2003) that describe everything about the variables under study, which will permit setting a criterion for self analysis.


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How to Cite
VillalobosK. (2021). Social appropriation of information and communication tecnologies for advanced studies at the Bolivarian University of Venezuela. Revista Ethos, 3(1), 109-126. Retrieved from