Ethical intelligence and the dignity of life: a current horizon for mankind

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Cristina Seijo Suárez
Noel Áñez Tellería


This article proposes excellence as a virtue that belongs to the ethical dimension of human conduct and includes reflection, strategy and action for a dignified life. This achieves a growing importance today in the educational field. The research presented is of the documentary type; authors such as Martin (2004), Brooking (2002), Bueno (2002), Vindas (2005) and Kliksberg (2005) served as references due to their contributions to the field. The study highlights a principle final reflection, the incorporation of social responsibility as an integral aspect in the business plan and not as an isolated activity, since this will translate into a benefit for the sector, increase financial performance, augment worker loyalty and reduce labor conflicts.


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How to Cite
Seijo SuárezC., & Áñez TelleríaN. (2010). Ethical intelligence and the dignity of life: a current horizon for mankind. Revista Ethos, 2(1), 43-57. Retrieved from