Integration of information and communication technologies in the consultations of the Blended Modality. Case: Miguel de Cervantes University

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Fernando Herrera-Martínez


This article contains a set of reflections related to the integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the advice provided in the semipresence academic programs of the Miguel de Cervantes University (UMC), Chile. For this, an analysis work was carried out, as a result of interviews with authors of innovative projects presented and disseminated in the University’s media and events. In the final considerations it is highlighted that the university, through the staff with desires and willingness to innovate, from the different competent instances, stimulates and considers the initiatives developed with the purpose of generating significant changes in the distance education model.


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How to Cite
Herrera-MartínezF. (2019). Integration of information and communication technologies in the consultations of the Blended Modality. Case: Miguel de Cervantes University. Revista Ethos, 11(2), 121-131. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Fernando Herrera-Martínez, Universidad de Chile

  • Doctorado en Educación Planificación e Innovación Educativa. Universidad de Alcalá. Ecología y Medio Ambiente. Universidad Austral de Chile. (1991).
  • Magister en Educación. Universidad de Viña del Mar. 2008.
  • Magister en Educación Mención Evaluación y Currículum. Universidad Autónoma de Chile. 2008. Administración y Planeamiento Educacional. Instituto Blas Cañas. 1990.
  • Profesor de Estado en Biología y Ciencias Naturales. Universidad de Chile. 1977.