Participation in Management Models: a Theoretical Discussion

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Mario Robert Aráuz-Chávez
Rodolfo Luis Delgado-Aguilera


Participation constitutes a fundamental management criterion for intervention in the decision-making process of organizations, regardless of their nature. This paper presents a conceptual analysis of participation, from the different management models, based on an analytical method of different epistemological positions, from authors such as, Cunill (1991), Bolos (2002), Pérez (1999) and Merino (1995). Revealing: 1. The theoretical conception of the authors focuses on the field where participation acts and its implementation is based on the management model that is adopted. 2. The management models, condition the scope of the conception of participation in decisions, according to the aims of the organization; and, 3. Participation, generally, is conceived directly and indirectly, however, depends on the management model. It is concluded that participation is a polysemic category, and manifests itself independently of public and / or private management.


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How to Cite
Aráuz-ChávezM. R., & Delgado-AguileraR. L. (2018). Participation in Management Models: a Theoretical Discussion. Revista Ethos, 10(2), 54-71. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Mario Robert Aráuz-Chávez, Universidad Laica Ely Alfaro de Manabí

  • Economista.
  • Docente Universitario en la Universidad Laica Ely Alfaro de Manabí.
  • Maestría Ejecutiva de Informática de Gestión y Nuevas Tecnologías.
  • Especialista en Gerencia y Creación de negocios Informáticos.
  • Diploma Superior en Educación Universitaria por Competencia. 

Rodolfo Luis Delgado-Aguilera, Instituto Universitario de Tecnología de Maracaibo

  • Economista.
  • Magíster Scientiarum en Gerencia Pública.
  • Docente-investigador del Instituto Universitario de Tecnología de Maracaibo.
  • Co-Investigador Auxiliar de Investigación del Centro de Estudios de Empresa (CEE) de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales (FCES) de la Universidad del Zulia (LUZ).