Illustrated pedagogical methodology of evaluation of training learning

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María del V. López-Romero


Offering answers to the evaluation processes of learning in the formative phase through the development of a pedagogical methodology from the theoretical postulates of illustration and lighting represents the purpose of the study. It is inserted in a diagnostic investigation, with an emergent design of fundamental theory, assuming methods to know the reality and the prospective methods to delineate the scenario of the methodology. From the information provided by the facilitators teachers triangulate and saturate the data, generating the results that are grouped in the megacategories so that they appear in the same phase in eight phases: epistemic introspection, pragmatic liberator, rational activation of the process, activation rational tools and instruments ideal evaluative meaning for life, communication of results, evaluative culture, prospective and retrospective in innovation and encouragement.


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How to Cite
López-RomeroM. del V. (2018). Illustrated pedagogical methodology of evaluation of training learning. Revista Ethos, 10(2), 41-53. Retrieved from
Author Biography

María del V. López-Romero, Politécnico Santiago Mariño

  • Doctora en Educación.
  • Docente titular I.U. Politécnico Santiago Mariño.
  • Docente Invitada estudios de posgrado UNERMB y LUZ COL.
  • Coordinadora de Investigación y Posgrado en la Universidad Valle de Momboy (zona Zulia-Falcón).