User Satisfaction: Conceptual Elements for its Determination

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Ana Teresa Prieto Sánchez
Calixto Hernández


The work tries to articulate different perspectives on user satisfaction in order to rescue the context in which theories about the term were arising in the area of services. The methodology was documentary-bibliographic, consulting authors like Oliver (1997); Di Filippo (2007); Moliner et al (2001); Kotler and Keller (2006); Zeithaml and Bitner (2002); and Setó (2004), among others. The main findings are: All satisfaction theories have the consideration of human beings as information processors as a common note; like wise, people’s frames of reference intervene in satisfaction. Finally, it can be affirmed that the human is a complex being for whom satisfaction as a process closes at the moment the service is used; however, an other process of dissatisfaction opens, given that at every turn a person’s expectations about the service received will increase.


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How to Cite
Prieto SánchezA. T., & HernándezC. (2014). User Satisfaction: Conceptual Elements for its Determination. Revista Ethos, 6(1), 23-34. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Ana Teresa Prieto Sánchez, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela

  • Economista.
  • Magister en Gerencia de Empresas mención gerencia de mercadeo.
  • Doctora en Ciencias Humanas.
  • Aspirante a Doctora en Ciencias Sociales, mención gerencia.
  • Profesora Titular a dedicación exclusiva de la Universidad del Zulia, en el Núcleo Costa Oriental del Lago.
  • Jefe Editora de la Revista “Impacto Científico” del Nú cleo LUZ- COL.
  • Acreditada al Programa de Estímulo a la Innovación e Investigación (PEII).

Calixto Hernández, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela

  • Licenciado en Contaduría Pública.
  • Economista.
  • Magister en Gerencia de Empresas mención gerencia financiera.
  • Aspirante a Doctor en Ciencias Sociales, mención gerencia.
  • Profesor asociado a Dedicación Exclusiva de la Universidad del Zulia, en el Núcleo Costa Oriental del Lago.
  • Coordinador de Administración del Núcleo LUZCOL.
  • Acreditado al Programa de Estímulo a la Innovación e Investigación (PEII).